Viel Spaß mit den Bildern in dieser Galerie. Wenn du uns Deine Bilder schicken möchtest, oder ein bestimmtes Bild entfernt haben willst, nimm einfach mit uns Kontakt auf. Nachberichte und Videos finden sich im Presseecho und im Artikel zum ejagfest 2013.
ejagfest 2013 Official ejagfest 2013 logo _blank
ejagfest 2013 Welcome to the ejagfest. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Impressions of the ejagfest. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Atari Shop NL booth. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Impressions of the ejagfest. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Exhibition “Atari comics” by the collectors Jens Klöpfel and Jens Brinkmann. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Jag in a Mac. Protable Jaguar and TV combination in a Mac case. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Reeboot showed some homebrew games. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Reeboot multi cartridge writer. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Whacky Wit board game. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Nick Harlow in a Lynx competition. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Someone has to organize the competitions (Thorn). _blank
ejagfest 2013 Impressions of the ejagfest. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Throphy's for the "Checkered Flag" European-Championship. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Six wired Lynx, waiting for the competition. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Pac-Man Collection (Atari 7800) in the Zone 3 gaming area. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Tombola with Thorn and Sandra. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Special ejagfest cupcakes. Well done, Vanessa! _blank
ejagfest 2013 ... and they taste so good. _blank
ejagfest 2013 The famous Jag-Kiosk, first time at the show. _blank
ejagfest 2013 A 4-player game of "Medieval Mayham" (Atari 2600) using the paddle controller. _blank
ejagfest 2013 GrooveBee shows some new homebrews on the Atari 7800 Expansion Module (XM) Add-on prototype. _blank
ejagfest 2013 New home-brews from Reboot for the Jaguar. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Home-brew shown on an Atari 2600 special cartridge. _blank
ejagfest 2013 Tempest 2000 (Jaguar) in the Zone 3 gaming area, using a homebrew Rotary-Controller from Nick Persijn. _blank
Quelle(n): Fotos von Björn Baranski