
European Atari Jaguar Festival 2013

The European Atari Jaguar Festival, “ejagfest” in short, took place on November 23rd and 24th of this year in Duisburg (near Düsseldorf), Germany. In 2013 we celebrated the 20th birthday of the Jaguar, it was released on 23rd November 1993 in the USA. Let’s celebrate the Jag! 

Here you can fins an overview of the highlights of this year. 


  • Matthias Domin from MDGames: Showed and sold the Cartgidre version of his new Jaguar game „Impulse X“.
  • Team Reboot/Jagware: Showed and sold some of there homebrew games. In addition to that they grant us a preview on upcoming highlights like “Rebooteroids” (Jaguar) and the still nameless new Shoot’em up for the Jaguar. Further they showed us their 4-Slot Jaguar Cartridge Programmer hardware.
  • GroovyBee: Showed the Atari 7800 – “Expansion Module Project XM” and several XM only games. He showed us “Apple Snaffle” a Boulder-Dash Clone, “Outpost 26” a plattformer similar to Space Panic, “Dungeon” wants you to explore dungeons, Halloween, looks like Zelda and is inspired Atic Atac and “Fruitarian” a Bomberman Clone with exploding fruits. For the Intellivision he showed “Hover Bovver” a port of a Jeff Minter classic and “Rocketeer” a game similar to Lunar Lander.
  • 108 Sterne from the neXGam forum: Showed some new Lynx homebrew-games. E.g.“Little Green Quak-Quak” (Lynx) in an late beta version. The final version of “Alien” (Lynx) and another beta version of a dungeon crawler for the Lynx.
  • Whacky Wit: Four monsters against a Whacky, sounds fair. Whacky Wit is an exceptional board game. At the ejagfest you was able to try it out yourself. The new mobile version “Whacky Roll” is also shown.
  • Zone 3 / AtariAge Gaming Area: Thanks to “Zone3” we presented you a gaming area with beanbags for gamers and full of retro-gaming highlights. We also would like to thank for supporting us with some demo software. On display were beside others “Rayman” (Jaguar), “Medieval Mayhem” (Atari 2600),  “Pac-Man Collection” (Atari 7800) and “Princess Rescue” (Atari 2600).
  •‎: Exhibition “Atari comics” by the collectors Jens Klöpfel and Jens Brinkmann.
  • Nick Persijn: Made and sold Rotary Controller for the Jaguar.
  • TXG-MNX: Showed his very rare “Jaguar Kiosk”. You can seldom find such a system in Europe.
  • Der Luchs: Introduced some Atari VCS games: “Wallball”, “Der Raser” and “Ringon” and in the name of TheLoon (USA) he shoed “MMSBCII”. In addition to that he showed the text adventure “Allein” for the Lynx. Zu guter letzt hatte er noch das  Text Adventure “Allein” für den Lynx dabei.
  • Alex Thissen: He showed an early version of the dungeon-crawler “Loot” (Lynx) This conversion of an Indie game from 2010 is a very promising project.
  • 16/32 bit Systems: Nick Harlow, offered used and new hard- and software for different Atari Systems.
  • Atari Shop NL: Sold Retro-Games and Goodies for different retro systems.


  • European Championship “Checkered Flag” (Lynx)
  • Kasumi Ninja Fun-Cup (Jaguar)

More Highlights of this year: Nuon with various games and movies, Jaguar in a Mac shell including a Monitor, Atari STE, ejagfest 2600 demo, Cupcakes with Atari and Jaguar decoration, a tombola with great prizes from our supporters, Ouya Console, PC-Engine Super CD-Rom System, Intellivision and many more.

This year was the event‘s 13th anniversary and it took place for the 2nd time in a new location in Duisburg near Düsseldorf. The ejagfest took place at: St. Dionysius Pfarreim, Uerdinger Str. 183a, 47259 Mündelheim Germany

You can find pictures of this event in the Gallery 2013 and reports and videos in the Press Echo section. We would like to thank our partners and supporters. To refresh my memory of the first ejagfest I used my own notes and further the Nexgam ejagfest article 2013/14.

Source: ejagfest, nexgam

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